Friday, August 27, 2010


I love all the tween shoots lately. They are so much fun because they are willing to try some cool stuff. Here is a football shoot from about 2 weeks ago. He was the nicest kid which is funny because he really looks like he would be feared on the field! He kept telling me there is NO smiling in football! I did get one smile shot when the football pads were put away!

more baseball

Here are some more favorites from the shoot.


I had the most awesome sports shoot. I have really enjoyed photographing tweens and doing some edgy "all about me" type shoots. Austin was super cool and a phenomenal baseball player. We had such a blast coming up with some images that reflected his personality. You can't have a cool big brother without a adoring little brother. His 2 year old brother followed us around wearing his "hat"(batting helmet) I managed to capture some pretty cute images of him following us. I think baseball might be in his future as well. He has the catcher's stance down perfect!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sweet Gavin

I feel bad that I haven't been on the ball posting my lastest photoshoots. I have met some really fabulous people during a crazy busy time of year. I am going to be adding some shoots to the blog so everyone can see what I have been up to. June has been a month of babies. Here is a newborn shoot of sweet Gavin James. His big sister has been one of my favorite subjects since I met her at 5 months old. I adore this family and love seeing their family grow. Congratulations!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Another fun senior shoot. Elizabeth was such a sweet girl. Her beauty really stands out. We had a lot of fun playing with a new location. I just love to try new things. I love the images we got, I think they capture Elizabeth's personality.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Boy, has it been busy. Lots of seniors this spring. Seniors are so much fun because you can really be creative. Wednesday I had a super fun shoot with Zak. Such a cool kid with his motorcycle. I think these images speak volumes about Zak. We are also doing a shoot this week with his Mustang. Enjoy some of my favorites of Zak.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Isa and Caden

Good friday was full of surprises. I got to play and capture images of my personal trainer's kids in 30 mph wind. The kids were fabulous. So happy and laid back. Sweet Caden is so smiley that he should be a model. He did exactly what I asked him to. I had to sneek a few candids in to "keep it real!" Little Isabel was one of the happiest two years olds ever. She just ran around giggling with a big pink flower in her hand. Such a girl! Anyway, we captured all these images just before the rain started to fall. Great day!
Here is their video....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Megan and Chris

What a fun couple. Their wedding day was magical. I had such a fabulous time hanging out with them. Congratulations Megan and Chris!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Some of my favs of Noah


Oh my goodness! I had the best shoot with Noah. A big 2 year old little boy that was soooo stinkin' cute. I had a hard time weeding down the images because there were so many great ones. He was just so much fun to be around. He could blow bubbles like a big kid! Check out his video!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sweet Callie. I can hardly believe she is 8 months old. She has the most gorgeous eyelashes and precious chubby cheeks. I photograph this family every 3 months and it is always such a pleasure. I love watching Callie grow.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

B'nei Mitzvah

Wow! What a party. I had the privilege of covering the B'nei Mitzvah celebration of a brother and sister. I love all the tradition involved. Enjoy this special event!

Sunday, February 21, 2010



I had an exciting Valentine present. I became Aunt Kim for the fourth time! My brother and his wife had a baby girl...Kailea Addison on tuesday February 16. We are all in love with her precious chubby cheeks. Her brother is very excited about "his baby." I captured these images of Kailea when she was 2 days old. Yes, she is only 2 days old! She weighed in a 9 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. Already a beautiful girl full of rolls! Enjoy the video I made of her images. Love you baby girl!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This week I got to go on a really fun shoot with a friend of my daughter that is going to have her Bat Mitzvah in September. She has become such a beautiful young lady. We had such a blast that we had over 100 awesome images. Here are a few of my favs of her. She was so much fun to work with as you can see.